Embody Miracles is a program that was created by Gianna Mauceri to help guide others toward their innate truth and uncover any areas of their life that they may be holding back on due to limiting self beliefs or unhealed past trauma. 

The program is designed as a step by step guide for students to work alongside Gianna for six months consistently through their healing journey. 

The program offers different portals to support you such as 1:1 mentor sessions, an online course set in stages which includes videos, journal questions to reflect on, life access and extra resources to support your healing journey. 

Spirit Warrior Training is set up into three different stages of healing;

Stage One - Discovering Yourself.

In this stage we work on creating a sacred routine including meditation & breath work practice, Inner child work, self awareness, discovering limiting beliefs.

Stage Two - Understanding Yourself.

In this stage we work through understanding past trauma, codependency, shadow work and forgiveness.

Stage Three - Aligning Yourself.

In this stage after shining the light on any past trauma, we now begin to heal and align with your trues self by creating a life full of purpose and miracles!

This was all created to help as many people heal as possible and come together to live a life of harmony, joy, miracles and empower you to live in your true Spirit Warrior essence! 

Gianna is amazing ! She helped me to heal deep wounds that decades of therapy couldn’t touch . I get to be myself and truly love who I am. It was the best investment I’ve ever made!



  • 12 x 90 minute one-on-one healing guidance mentor sessions with Gianna (2 sessions per month for 6 months)

  • Online course material.

  • 1 monthly community new moon gathering.

Are you ready to live a life of unconditional love, purpose and passion?

Are you ready to understand yourself at a much deeper level, and release all unhealed pain from your past?

Are you ready to create beautiful and loving relationships with others and most of all, with yourself? If the answer is yes, apply below.


Please fill out the form below to your best ability.

Gianna will be reaching out personally after receiving your application.

For any questions or support email me at embodymiracles@gmail.com